Lender Guidelines: 2.6 Residency Requirements

Lender Guidelines: 2.6 Residency Requirements

Homes for Texas Heroes Program: Borrowers must currently be a Texas resident or demonstrate intent to be a resident of Texas. Individuals who are currently not living in Texas but have accepted a job in one of the eligible professions listed under the Homes for Texas Heroes Program are eligible. Please follow Lakeview, FHA, VA, USDA-RHS, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac guidelines related to non-U.S. citizen borrowers.


Home Sweet Texas Program: No residency requirements apply. Please follow Lakeview, FHA, VA, USDA-RHS, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac guidelines related to non-U.S. citizen borrowers.


Here is a guide to all eligible statuses: Residency and Eligibility Guide V21.1.pdf


For access to the full TSAHC DPA & MCC Guidelines, please click here.

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