Lender FAQ: What is the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction?
A tax credit provides a dollar for dollar reduction of your income tax liability. A tax deduction lowers your taxable income. For example, a $2,000 tax credit reduces your tax bill by $2,000. A $2,000 tax deduction reduces your taxable income by $2,000, but might only reduce your tax bill by $300 to $500, depending on what tax bracket you're in. You can take a tax deduction for any additional [...]
Lender/Realtor FAQ: Where can I find marketing materials to advertise myself and TSAHC’s programs?
TSAHC makes marketing our home buyer programs easy. Please see all of the marketing opportunities and resources we have available by clicking [...]
Home Buyer FAQ: How can I compare all TSAHC’s down payment assistance options?
TSAHC created a tool to compare the different loan types and down payment assistance options we offer. View the Loan Comparison [...]
Home Buyer FAQ: What is the definition of a first-time home buyer?
For purposes of the mortgage credit certificate (MCC) program, a first-time home buyer is an individual or family that has not owned or had an ownership interest in any principal residence during the last three years. Remember that our down payment assistance (DPA) program by itself, does NOT have a first-time home buyer [...]
Lender FAQ: How do I get updated or new login credentials to the Lender Portal?
For new/updated login credentials to the TSAHC Lender Portal, please contact your company’s web administrator. To find your company’s TSAHC web admin, please contact TSAHC at homeownership@tsahc.org. Question Answer I already have an existing Web Admin user account for Lakeview in the Loan Dock Portal, do I need new credentials for TSAHC web admin access? [...]